Eureka is one of the coolest clothing features available in Infinity Nikki. These three different types of effects allow your Nikki to have feathers swirling around her feet or a creepy mask floating near her face. They are customizable to an extent, too, allowing you to change their colors. Here’s how to change the color of Eureka in Infinity Nikki.

How to Change the Color of Eureka in Infinity Nikki
How you go about changing the color of your Eureka has to do with leveling it up. What you want to do is open up the Eureka tab in the main menu. This will show you all of the Eureka you currently have and give you the option to level them up. You can use either Shining Particles or duplicate Eureka items you don’t want to level them up.
The goal here is to level up the specific Eureka you want to change the color of to its max level. This will be level 10 for the Eureka. Once you reach the max level, it will then be able to change colors from the current one to a new one. Some Eureka have a few colors while the highest rarity of five star ones have more color options, including the highly coveted Iridescent.

Can You Switch Between Eureka Colors?
Unfortunately, there is a really annoying catch when it comes to changing the Eureka colors in Infinity Nikki. I will let you know right now that, no, you are unable to switch or pick the colors for your Eureka. Yes, you read that right. When you reach level 10 with a Eureka, its new color is automatically picked for you. And, worse, you can’t change it.
So, you might love its original color but then it switches at level 10 to a new one you might not like. What this effectively means is you are going to either need some great luck or plenty of duplicates of a specific Eureka you love. You may have to grind leveling up multiples of the same Eureka to find the color you want the most.
Infinity Nikki is available right now for free for Android, iOS, PS5, and PC.
Published: Jan 7, 2025 07:45 pm