Ethereal Hand is one of the many rare golden shadows players can find in Tartarus in Persona 3 Reload. This particular one is somewhat easier to take out than others if players plan ahead before they find it. Here’s what you need to know about the Ethereal Hand weakness and how to beat it.

Persona 3 Reload Ethereal Hand Weaknesses and Moves
You can find the Ethereal Hand through sheer luck or by using a fortune on floors 144-171 of Tartarus in the Tziah block. It has a single weakness available for it, which makes defeating this particular rare shadow a bit easier to defeat than some of the others. That weakness is none other than electric.
You don’t have to worry about any particular attacks from this Ethereal Hand, other than how it will run away quite quickly if given the chance. Fortunately, making use of its weakness to Zio skills should make this fight much easier and less stressful.

Best Personas and Party Members for Fighting Ethereal Hand in Persona 3 Reload
Since Ethereal Hand is weak to Zio, this makes creating your party pretty simple in Persona 3 Reload. You want Akihiko on your team no matter what with his use of Zio attacks. In addition, you want to focus on Personas that have Zio, such as Omoikane, Loa, Mothman, and the like. The more powerful the variant of Zio it is, the better with how finicky these fights can be.
The goal is to use Zio on Ethereal Hand as soon as you can to knock it down and get that all-important All-Out Attack. In addition, you can use Theurgy to speed up the fight for those party members who don’t have access to electric skills. If you are fast enough and take advantage of its weakness, you should be able to beat it before it runs.
Persona 3 Reload is available right now for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Feb 13, 2024 5:15 PM UTC