Cygames has detailed the new characters Seofon and Tweyen, who have appeared in the latest update of Granblue Fantasy: Relink. They, along with other new additions and changes, are part of Version 1.1.2 (PlayStation) and Version 1.1.4 (Steam).
In early March 2024, Cygames already revealed that Seofon and Tweyen, along with Sandalphon, would be free additions to the Granblue Fantasy: Relink roster. You’ll need to trade for special crewmate cards from the Knickknack Shack to get them. They also have their own Fate Episodes you can play through.
Seofon is an Eternal with a carefree attitude but deep pride and determination. His Unique Sigils include Spirit Edge’s Rally and Seven-Star Boundary. Most of his Sigils focus on buffing his abilities when he’s summoned an avatar. Tweyen is also an Eternal who is an amazing archer whose talents have brought her loneliness. Her Unique Sigils include Dark Huntress’s Volley and Two-Crown Boundary. You can boost her strong her charged attacks are, as well as how fast she can shoot her arrows.
Other new updates include two new challenging quests, new trophies, and new traits. You can now execute 30 simultaneous sigil transmutations. There are also some QoL changes, including better visibility, fixed bugs, AI improvements (no more reviving a player who has Autorevive), and more. You can check out the entire list via the announcement page.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink is readily available on the PS4, PS5, and Windows PC.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 3:30 PM UTC