During the Dengeki Bunko festival, a Vita game based on the Golden Time light novel series was announced. The story follows Banri Tada who lost his memory after falling of a bridge, but unlike other amnesiac cases Banri’s soul splits off and becomes its own entity. Golden Time: Vivid Memories is from Kadokawa Games and Yuyuko Takemiya, the original writer of Golden Time is supervising the video game’s story. Takemiya has experience working with video games too as the main story writer for Toradora Portable.
Golden Time: Vivid Memories is in development for PlayStation Vita and slated for spring 2014. A limited edition priced at 10,479 yen ($106) includes the game plus a fan book and 1/8 figurine of Koko Kaga in a swimsuit. The game alone costs 6,279 yen ($65).
Published: Oct 6, 2013 10:41 pm