Bandai Namco revealed more information about God Eater 3, including an official introduction to Hugo Pennywort, more screenshots on two new Ash Aragami, and the new transforming ‘Biting Edge’ weapon. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
Adaptive God Eaters (AGE)
A new type of God Eater produced after the appearance of the Ashlands. Unlike previous God Eaters, they are bound to a slave-like contract, and don’t have any freedom. Compared to previous God Eaters, they have a higher resistance to the Ashlands, and work for a longer period in the areas. They also have higher resonance and physical abilities, and are closer to being Aragami themselves.
The AGE’s jobs are to infiltrate, search, and recover resources, as well as killing Ash Aragami within the Ashlands. Despite being dangerous tasks, they receive minimal rewards.
Hugo Pennywort (CV: Tomokazu Seki)
An AGE who is an older brother figure to the protagonist. He is proactive, and quick-minded, and is in essence the leader of the Pennywort AGEs.
Pennywort is the name of the Port that the protagonist and Hugo belong to. It’s a profits-first Port which specializes in slaying Aragami and taking on other difficult tasks. As you might expect, there is a high turnover rate.
Biting Edge
The Biting Edge is a transforming weapon that changes from a dual bladed form to a naginata form. The dual blade mode attacks with quick slicing and stabbing motions, while the naginata form uses swinging motions with a higher range for powerful attacks with high evasion. As a tradeoff, in the naginata form, Stamina will stop regenerating.
The Ray Gun is a new God Arc that shoots out beam-like bullets that gets wider and stronger the longer the Ray Gun is fired. However, it resets if players stop firing at any point, so players should find the right timing to use up all the OP in one go.
A god-like Aragami that looks like a beast wearing golden armor. It’s especially strong among Ash Aragami, and goes from four-legged to two-legged movement upon Bursting.
An Ash Aragami type that sports a bird-like head, and a fusion between a human and a globe for a body. It holds up two balls of flame in its hands that it uses to burn everything to the ground. Although it usually moves slowly, when it finds a target it will activate boosters on its back to chase it down.
God Eater 3 is in development for the PlayStation 4 and PC.
Published: Apr 6, 2018 8:00 PM UTC