Genshin Impact developer miHoYo shared some new gifs of Azhdaha and Cryo Hypostasis. The in-development footage of both monsters shows their animations and special attacks with Outrider Amber facing the brunt of them. The bosses are new monsters to Teyvat.
First up in Genshin Impact is Azhdaha. The ferocious Lord of Vishaps will be a weekly boss in the Trounce Domain Beneath the Dragon-Queller. The upcoming new domain can be unlocked after completing Zhongli’s story quest “Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II No Mere Stone.” The new footage features Azhdaha’s terrifying roars, its burrowing abilities, and its earth-shattering strength.
Next in Genshin Impact is Cryo Hypostasis. Code named Daleth, this frigid foe is one of the elemental Hypostases. Each Hypostasis takes its code name from the first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Players can find the boss in Dragonspine. The new gifs show off how difficult Cryo Hypostasis’ moves are to read. Poor Outrider Amber doesn’t look dressed for the weather.
The Genshin Impact version 1.5 update will include Azhdaha and Cryo Hypostasis when it goes live on April 28, 2021. The game is currently available for PlayStation 4, PC, Android devices, and iOS devices. The PlayStation 5 version of the title will launch in tandem with the 1.5 update. Though we haven’t heard any news of it recently, a Nintendo Switch version is reportedly in development.
Published: Apr 25, 2021 6:30 PM UTC