Another chapter is closing in Fire Emblem Heroes. People who have been keeping up with the campaign know the dreamy storyline following Dökkálfheimr’s Dökkálfar and Ljósálfheimr’s Ljósálfar came to a close. Now, as expected after such an event, Nintendo shared the Fire Emblem Heroes Book 4 ending movie on YouTube ahead of any fifth book announcements.
The two primary stars of this over two minute video are Triandra and Plumeria, two of the Dökkálfar who served Lady Freyja throughout this chapter of the story. In addition to some reminiscing, which establishes relationships between the three characters and their current motivations, it offers a hint as to what could end up happening next in the game’s story.
Editor’s Note: The Fire Emblem Heroes Book 4 ending movie features major spoilers for the story so far.
People will get to see a lot more of Triandra soon. She’s actually one of the two Mythic heroes being added to the game in November 2020. She’ll be a green tome user and flying unit and be added in a banner alongside Freyja.
Fire Emblem Heroes is available for Android and Apple iOS devices. The Mythic Heroes banner featuring Triandra will be available in-game between November 27, 2020 and December 8, 2020.
Published: Nov 27, 2020 12:40 am