The upcoming Final Fantasy XIV Save the Queen Relic Weapon questline will see the addition of more Final Fantasy XII themed items, including a new mount. Players will be able to obtain glamour sets based off of the protagonists of Final Fantasy XII as well. This includes sets modeled after Basch and Penelo.
The upcoming update will see the end of the Final Fantasy XIV Save the Queen Relic Weapon questline. Players will have access to a new battlefield once it releases. New skirmishes and critical engagements will be available as well, which includes fighting Espers from Final Fantasy XII. Additionally, a new large-scale assault will be added with this update. This new assault, The Dalriada, will allow for forty-eight players to band together to fight back against whatever lies inside.
Players will be able to obtain the Final Fantasy XII glamour sets, and the new mount, in Final Fantasy XIV through participation in the new Save the Queen Relic Weapon content. Additionally, this will arrive alongside the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse epilogue, through the Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.55 update.
Final Fantasy XIV is available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.55 will arrive on May 25, 2021.
Published: May 16, 2021 01:00 pm