It’s April Fools’ Day once more, and Lasengle has prepared a baseball game version of FGO to celebrate. The title of the game is Fate/Grail League. Each Servant has their own stats when it comes to how well they play on the field. They also have skills that you can use to either pitch the ball or bat it out into the field.
The story starts when the mysterious Csejte Baseball Stadium appears as a small pseudo-Singularity. You can create your own dream team from over 370 Servants, each with their own skills and strengths. In order to get more players, you have to face off against different teams. One of the teams comprises of Bakumatsu era Servants, while another is full of Sakura faces.
As for how to play the game, it’s very similar to other baseball games on mobile devices. When the ball flies at your batter, you have to time when to swing the bat to control which direction it flies to. The direction is very important, because if you hit it towards a defender who can catch it, you’ll be out. There are also Hit Panels in the back to determine how many bases your players can advance or if it’s a Home Run. As for the pitcher, you can throw a variety of balls, such as changeups or curveballs. A meter will show up for you to control how hard your Servant will pitch.
There’s also an AR mode where you can choose your favorite Servants and take a picture of them. It’s unknown how many characters you can have at each time.
Riyo drew some of the baseball Servants for Fate/Grail League. Not only is Riyo the character designer behind Bunyan, but he is also the mangaka for the Learning with Manga! FGO series. This is not the first time that the developers for Fate/Grand Order released a whole different game for April Fools’. Last year’s game was Fate/Pixel Wars, also with art from Riyo.
Fate/Grail League is available on mobile devices in Japan, and it will only be playable on April 1, 2023. The actual FGO app is available on mobile devices as well.
Published: Mar 31, 2023 7:30 PM UTC