Naoki Yoshida, or “Yoshi-P,” appeared as a guest on Japanese variety TV show Shikujiri-Sensei: Ore Mitai ni Naruna!!. The title easily translates to “Teacher Mistake: Don’t Become Like Me!!” and focuses on people discussing their mess-ups and what lessons to take from them. He appeared on the April 2, 2022 episode, which was available on TV and is now on Abema Video. [Thanks, Famitsu!]
Yoshida is the producer and developer of Final Fantasy XIV. Though FFXIV is incredibly popular now (with the release of Endwalker causing multiple issues with server load and players unable to play), it did not garner a warm reception until Yoshida revamped the game. According to the teaser on the Shikujiri-Sensei Twitter account, here are some of the topics that Yoshida touched on during the episode:
- Extremely poor reception from around the world when it first launched
- Nothing to do in-game
- The heavy load in the game made it so opening a door would take 15 seconds
He discusses more challenges he faced during the episode, which is available for free for viewers in Japan through Abema. For example, a mistake he made was delegating too many resources to objects in the world. While it certainly made the world more realistic and beautiful, only around 30 players could exist on-screen at once. Items like flower pots would continue to be visible even when players were not. He learned at the time what to prioritize and to set more realistic expectations for consoles and engines.
Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV will go live on April 12, 2022, according to Yoshida. This will include new content, such as quests and a raid. The game is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.
Published: Apr 3, 2022 11:00 am