Square Enix shared new Zero key art and website updates for FFXIV patch 6.5. The art shows Zero with some of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Meanwhile, the website also shows that art and lists some of the things coming in patch 6.5. However, the site only offers a general overview and doesn’t divide the additions up into 6.5 part 1 or part 2. One half will show up in October 2023, while the other debuts in January 2024.
First, here’s the FFXIV key art that prominently shows Zero at the center of things. Square Enix introduced her in the Endwalker expansion. However, it was the 6.2 Buried Memory story quests that she came more to the forefront. The art features characters like the Warrior of Light, Y’shtola, Alisaie, Alphinaud, and Estinien.
- Image via Square Enix
When it comes to the Growing Light additions mentioned on the website, we already learned about many of them from past Letter from the Producer LIVE presentations. For example, it mentions the Growing Light main scenario quests, which will be split between part 1 and 2 of 6.5. It mentioend The Lunar Subterrane dungeon, Myths of the Realm, Part 3: Thaleia Alliance Raid dungeon, Aloalo Island Variant dungeon, Another Aloalo Island Criterion dungeon, Abyssal Fracture Trial, The Singularity Reactor (Unreal) Unreal Trial, and various quest updates. This update will also bring in the Xbox open beta, as well as the Fall Guys collaboration.
As a reminder, we’ll learn more about FFXIV 6.5 Part 2 at the 2023 Tokyo Game Show. The Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXIX will air at 11pm PT on September 23, 2023/2am ET on September 24, 2023. It will be on YouTube and streamed worldwide, though there will be no translator and only the slides will be available in English and Japanese.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC, and patch 6.5 part 1 will arrive in early October 2023.
Published: Sep 7, 2023 2:30 PM UTC