I still remember how it felt in 2013 playing the Final Fantasy XIV beta and, eventually, the game’s full release on my PlayStation 3 using my neighbor’s Wi-Fi (sorry, neighbor!). The phenomenal MMORPG came at just the right time in the darkest point of my life, and it’s been with me throughout so many changes over the past decade as we head into the FFXIV Dawntrail expansion in 2024.

However, as we approach the release of the fifth expansion in Dawntrail, I feel conflicted about Final Fantasy XIV in a way I never have before. I sincerely think Yoshi-P and the team should’ve stuck with the original plan I spoke to him about at the time of both Stormblood and Shadowbringer’s launches, where Endwalker would be two expansions and conclude the story.
Although Endwalker felt rushed, it was still an excellent way to end everyone’s time with the ground-breaking game and make way for the next big Final Fantasy MMO. With Dawntrail, though, that now doesn’t seem to be the case. The upcoming expansion appears to be the start of the next story arc for FFXIV in 2024 instead, and I’m not sold on it in the slightest.
The initial trailer is fine with an intriguing region, but I can’t help but shake the feeling that it looks like filler. I have no doubt Square Enix will surprise players with a new villain or fascinating threat in the latter half of the expansion, which will likely grip some of the community. But, even then, I have concerns that the potential hook may be disappointing or feel like filler in a way.

Even the crux of the expansion about a battle for the throne and the Scions competing against each other sounds like a forced conflict, which probably won’t be that serious. Even if it is, the plot will likely end with them laughing it up together, as always.
After all, this is exactly how FFXIV has largely felt since Endwalker’s conclusion. The entire Golbez arc has been pretty bland and forgettable outside of some of the Zero moments and the lowest overall point in the game since Stormblood. This is understandable coming off of the high of the previous expansion, but it begs the question if anything can or should follow-up on the core story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark.
I don’t mind a more lighthearted vibe to the upcoming expansion and its beautiful new region. However, if I am to try something a bit more adventurous and perhaps a natural dip in the overall grand ebb and flow, I would rather do so in a new experience like a potential Final Fantasy XVII MMO. At least the thrill of a brand new game with a new setting, style, cast, and classes would be an exciting time.

Since this is the route Square Enix is taking in continuing FFXIV, Dawntrail has quite a lot to prove to show why this is the better option over a new MMO. Only offering a goofy fan service-filled adventure in Tural with familiar faces and tacos won’t be enough. There needs to be a serious glimpse of what’s coming in the next FFXIV era. The plan for FFXIV in 2024 and beyond needs to feel natural and not shoe-horned-in to take advantage of the massive player base simply.
For one, a fresh take on dungeons, trials, and endgame content feels like a must. The same old repetitious gameplay cycle just won’t cut it anymore after this long. This is FFXIV’s first chance to try something wholly new, and it needs to take full advantage of it without playing it safe. At the very least, I hope to see a bold new direction for my character and the Scions I’ve spent a huge chunk of my life with. Or, unfortunately, I will be sitting here in 2025 wondering why Dawntrail even came out.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PS4, PS5, and PC. It will also be released for Xbox sometime in Spring 2024. Dawntrail will be launched in Summer 2024.
Published: Dec 24, 2023 7:00 PM UTC