Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker will see the addition of two new Job Classes to the MMORPG. Announced at FFXIV Fan Fest, the Reaper is a new DPS Job Class that will see players channel the power of the Void. While the Reaper will be able to summon a spirit to aid them in combat, it will not be a pet-focused Job. Instead, it will rely on properly timing when you summon the Void avatar to deal bursts to damage to foes. However, there are some stipulations when it comes to unlocking the Reaper in FFXIV.
In order to unlock the Reaper Job Class in FFXIV, players must have at least one Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic Job Class leveled to 70. That and owning the Endwalker expansion, will be the only prerequisites to unlocking the Reaper.
From there, players can head to Ul’dah to speak to the Flustered Attendant. The Flustered Attendant can be found at X:12.8, Y:8.6. The quest will be titled “The Killer Instinct.” After completing those steps, and any duties that may follow, you’ll have access to the Reaper. Keep in mind that the Reaper will start at Job Class level 70.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker will release on December 7, 2021. Early access will begin on December 3, 2021. And once you have Reaper unlocked, you could visit Icy Veins for its Reaper Guide to see how to optimize your DPS for this new Job.
Published: Dec 2, 2021 1:00 PM UTC