A fashion trend you may not be aware of in Japanese games is dressing like a Lawson convenience store employee. Lawson is a competitor of 7-Eleven and acquired music/game retailer HMV Japan back in 2010. Dynasty Warriors 8 has a Lawson themed costume and so does Shin Megami Tensei IV.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash has Lawson costumes for seven Thors Academy students you can play as in the game. Why did Falcom, Atlus, and Tecmo Koei bother with making Lawson costumes? Because games in Japan have store specific bonuses on top of first print items and pre-order incentives.
Retailers Tsutaya and Geos will also have special costumes. If you purchase The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash from Amazon Japan or Bic Camera you get a DLC code for a tactical orbment Arcus original cover and an item set to congratulate you for joining the academy. First print copies also include a visual book as a bonus.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash is slated for release on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita on September 26.
Published: May 31, 2013 5:20 AM UTC