A collaboration event between Ensemble Stars and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage will take place from February 15, 2025. A live concert with all the characters will also appear in Colorful Stage on February 22 and 23, 2025.
Here is the trailer for the collaboration on the Ensemble Stars YouTube channel:
The story of the event will follow idols from both games participating in Astro Fes, a major musical event in Japan. It then shows all of the characters who’ll play a part in the event. Characters from each game will be paired up: Akito with Jun, Tenma with Chiaki, Toya with Izumi, and Rui with Natsume. All eight characters will also sing the new collaboration song, which is one that originally uses Kagamine Len and Kaito. More information on the collaboration will appear at a later date.
Ensemble Stars and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage are both rhythm games that focus on young Japanese idols. Whereas Colorful Stage combines an original story and cast with familiar Vocaloid characters, Ensemble Stars is entirely original. Both are very popular in Japan and in abroad. A movie is in production for Colorful Stage, for example. Meanwhile, multiple spin-offs and adaptions have come out for Ensemble Stars since the franchise’s beginning in 2015.
The Ensemble Stars and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage collaboration event will take place from February 15, 2025. Both games are available on mobile devices.
Published: Dec 27, 2024 10:00 am