Last year at Tokyo Game Show, many were introduced to Electronic Arts’s Japan division for the first time as the publisher debuted Shonen Kininden Tsumuji, a Zelda-like puzzle-based DS game starring a young ninja boy. It appears EA will have a presence at TGS this year as well, as they’re hosting their own event, titled “Tokyo Showcase,” on the eve of the show.
EA plan to make “several all new game reveals and announcements” at the event, games blog Joystiq reports. Last year, EA seemed keen on breaking into the Japanese market, so we’re rather curious to see whether or not that plan has changed at all over the past year, considering the cold reception Tsumuji was met with upon release in that market.
Perhaps this event will be where we finally hear further news of the horror game collaboration between Shinji Mikami and Goichi Suda?
Published: Aug 21, 2010 03:04 pm