D3 Publisher has provided new details on Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain’s story beats and encountered enemies, including the gigantic Raid Ship and the human faction’s fight underground. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
Raid Ship
A giant flying craft that spans over 200 meters in length. The front and back of the ships are identical, but the sides differ in whether they have a circular or triangular shape. Giant enemies are spewed out of these areas. As some Aggressors that come out of the ships are larger than the ship itself, it it theorized that it teleports enemies over rather than actually transporting them.
These Raid Ships have the capability to warp in and out, so the EDF have to be prepared to be on the defense at all times. It’s got heavy armor, so regular gunfire does nothing to it. Soldiers also have to be careful not to stay in one spot for too long, as the Raid Ships are equipped with weapons of its own.
Kindred Rebellion’s Research Facility
The Aggressor guerilla resistance force formed by former EDF elite corps, Kindred Rebellion, has been conducting research in an underground facility. To the EDF’s shock, they find giant ants that are not hostile towards humans.
These giant creatures are being controlled by the mysterious PA Gear, and used to harvest Energy Gems. It seems that Kindred Rebellion are also using them as mounts…
Storm Ant Scout
A Storm Ant being controlled with the PA Gear developed by Kindred Rebellion, which also enhances its physical abilities. It’s got paint on it to distinguish it from normal giant ants.
It seems that the development of such technology is only known to a select few within the organization. There are rumors that Rebellion’s leader has shady dealings with an underground group researching Aggressor technology.
Going Even Deeper Within
The EDF squad find a hole that leads even deeper within. What lies at the end of the fierce battle that takes place within?
Giant Eggs
The EDF Squad go deep enough that radio communication is cut off. There, they find giant eggs that must have something to do with Rebellion’s activities. As the EDF continue onwards, the fight against the giant creatures, who seem to be protecting something, begins to escalate.
Queen Ant
Finding a deep hole, the EDF begin to slowly descend downwards. A giant shadow looms above them… It’s the Queen Ant!
A Queen Ant is a Giant Creature that has been giving birth to the Storm Ants. It’s over 50 meters long, and the largest among the insect-type creatures. It can lay a hundred to a thousand eggs in a day, so defeating them is a high priority.
The Queen Ants have wings, but are slow thanks to their size. That said, its size and weight are used to its advantage when attacking its enemies.
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain releases in 2019 for PlayStation 4.
Published: Nov 28, 2018 09:30 am