In the Dragon Quest Heroes series, players follow original and existing characters in their hack-and-slash fight against evil. While the first two trailers introduced the original heroes and heroines, Lazarel, Teresa, Healix, Desdemona, and Caesar, the latest two trailers are showing us character cameos from other games. To be more specific, they’re reminding us Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation’s Terry and Carver and Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past’s Maribel and Ruff will be in Dragon Quest Heroes II.
In Dragon Quest V: Realms of Revelation, Carver is a a heavy hitter. This carries over here, as he’s a very physical fist fighter and is introduced as “Ten Tons of Trouble.” Meanwhile, Terry uses swords and magic to fight and is known as “The Storming Swordsman.”
Both Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past’s characters use more unconventional skillsets. “Little Miss Long-Range” Maribel wields a boomerang and magical abilities. (She also yells to do some major damage at one point.) Ruff, “The Boy Who Ride Wolf” works with his wolf friend to attack, though at one point in the trailer he summons a swarm of sheep to fight foes.
Dragon Quest Heroes II will come arrive on the PlayStation 4 on April 25, 2017 in North America and April 28, 2017 in Europe. It will come to the PC in both regions on April 25, 2017.
Published: Mar 30, 2017 09:00 am