Last year Tragnarion Studios, a small studio in Spain, announced Doodle Hex for the Nintendo DS. The touch screen puzzle game has players draw runes and do something. We haven’t seen much about the gameplay even though it’s scheduled to come out in Europe this May.
Regardless of the information void Tragnarion Studios believes strongly in the title. They are already committing to develop a Nintendo Wii version of Doodle Hex with their spanking new Nintendo Wii official developer certification. It is unclear if Tragnarion Studios will bring Doodle Hex to WiiWare (sees like a good place for it) or if they are going to release it on a Wii optical disc. Ricardo Carretero, Lead Designer of Doodle Hex, also teases about future products when he says, “we've been working on preparing some really innovative projects which will make full use of the Wii's unique capabilities.”
Published: Mar 18, 2008 05:55 am