Digimon Survive, the upcoming strategy RPG with a visual novel-style story, was initially announced for PS4 and Switch in Japan, but a new trailer for the China version has confirmed it for Xbox One and PC as well.
Here’s a new trailer for Digimon Survive’s China version from Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia:
In case you missed it, Bandai Namco recently shared a first look at some gameplay footage for Digimon Survive’s turn-based strategy battles and story parts that will have players make plenty of important choices that affect the outcome of the story as well as evolutions.
Digimon Survive releases in Japan in 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. The game releases in Asia in 2019 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam.
Published: Jul 30, 2018 03:00 am