The Digimon Adventure anime celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, and Digimon game producers Habu Kazumasa and Tsuzuki Katsuki looked back at the history of the series and also shared a peek at the upcoming tactical-RPG adventure game Digimon Survive.
Digimon Survive’s concept came from the approach of making a Digimon game with new game characteristics. They decided to make it into part old school strategy RPG and part adventure game, and from there they had to think of a way to present the characteristics of Digimon.
The concept of “Digimons becoming stronger in response to the human’s heart” that was from the Digimon Adventure anime will be a part of Digimon Survive. The creators wanted to see if they could make a game that could in a way recreate the experience that made fans fall in love with Digimon from the anime. In the adventure part of the game, Digimon will grow and evolve based on the choices made by the player, and we’ll get to experience it through the drama told in the game.
The video also shares a look at some concept art, which you can check out below:
Digimon Survive releases in North America and Europe in 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It releases in Japan in 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Published: May 31, 2019 06:10 am