Dead Rising 4’s latest announcements cover some equipment Frank West will be using to make the undead dead again, as they go over the abilities of the EXO Suits he’ll be able to find and wear, as well as the pre-order DLC people will get from ordering from specific North American retailers.
The EXO Suit is an item that will be found inside and outside of the mall in Dead Rising 4. It’s a special piece of armored equipment that will give Frank unlimited stamina and increased strength for two minutes. While wearing a suit, he’ll be able to punch a car and send it flying or rip parking meters out of the ground. (However, the infographic says it lacks a cup holder and can’t punch trucks, the moon, or puppies.) Should people be fortunate enough to find these military grade robotic augmentation harnesses in the game, they should use them to tear as many things up as quickly as possible.
The store-specific pre-order promotions for Dead Rising 4 have also been announced, and half of the available DLC keeps the Christmas spirit alive. Since Frank will again be fighting zombies in a mall during the holidays, people who pre-order through Best Buy get a Candy Cane Crossbow and from GameStop get a Steampunk Snowman Head. The former shoots candy canes, while the latter shoots zombie-freezing snowballs. The Microsoft Store is offering X-Fists, which can be equipped while wearing an EXO Suit, so Frank can smash things up. Amazon’s exclusive item is the Slicecycle, a motorcycle with two chainsaws strapped to the front of it.
Dead Rising 4 will come to the Xbox One and Windows 10 on December 6, 2016.
Published: Aug 17, 2016 09:00 am