In 2014, a small Canadian developer launched a Kickstarter campaign for a modest goal of $75,000. That goal was met in two days, and Red Hook Studios’ Darkest Dungeon was ultimately funded to the tune of over $300,000. What followed was an indie success story, with a hugely popular Early Access run on Steam, multiple console ports, and now an upcoming sequel. Darkest Dungeon‘s path to roguelike relevance wasn’t easy, and some added mechanics in particular caused loud community reactions. Now, we can get an in-depth look at the whole story via Escapist Magazine’s latest feature-length documentary.
Escapist has uploaded the Darkest Dungeon documentary to its YouTube channel, so that’s a good excuse to just embed the thing right here. It sports a respectable runtime of just over an hour and sports the following creative credits:
Editing: Omar Ahmed
Interviews and Story: Nick Calandra
Original Soundtrack: James Elsey
Original Cover Art: Laureline Chambon
If the documentary gives you the hankering to try Darkest Dungeon out and you’re brave enough to follow up, you can find it currently available for the PC, the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation Vita, the Nintendo Switch, and Apple iOS devices. A physical release was published for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Published: Apr 27, 2020 07:00 pm