Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin III: Pride of Justice has mecha that are bound by contracts with spirits. The result is you get unique robots like Cybuster which uses the power of wind and transforms into a bird. The story unfolds with event scenes and Namco Bandai upped the quality of the artwork for PS3 and Vita. Here’s a look at the robots and characters in the game.
Cybuster (contract with a wind spirit)
Granveil (contract with a fire spirit)
Goddess (contract with a water spirit)
Zamzeed (contract with an earth spirit)
Giorias (contract with a lesser wind spirit)
Leogeira (contract with a lesser fire spirit)
Delgiran (contract with a lesser earth spirit)
Dinflail (contract with a lesser fire spirit)
Valsione R is a special form which you can get via a PSN download code included with a first print copy of Super Robot Wars: Masou Kishin III: Pride of Justice. Players can switch between the Valsione and Valsione R forms.
Published: May 15, 2013 05:32 pm