Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition is due out in Japan on May 31 and the official site has been updated with a few of pictures of the new control scheme. You use the remote control to point and aim your shots. An on screen cursor shows you if you’re on target by changing to green when you can shoot one of the villagers. Leon also has a new knife attack that he can use by shaking the remote. You move with the analog stick, press the Z button while pressing up or down on the stick to do a 180 degree turn and reload by shaking the remote while holding B. The 1 button brings up the map, the 2 button the options screen, and minus button options menu. The A button and B buttons function just like Resident Evil 4 where A is the all purpose action button and B cancels. Probably the best use of motion contro>l is going to be during the action event sequences. Imagine the Leon / Wesker knife fight with motion control, that’s got to be one of the highlights of Resident Evil 4: Wii edition.
Published: Apr 6, 2007 07:56 am