Bandai Namco is adapting the Captain Earth anime series into a PlayStation Vita video game. Captain Earth follows high schooler Daichi Manatsu who pilots the Earth Engine Impacter, a giant robot designed to save the planet from aliens called the Kill-T-Gang. Daichi was chosen for the mission because he’s a pro at an arcade game and he’s joined by Hana, a mysterious girl found inside a sphere in the basement of a space center.
Captain Earth: Mind Labyrinth has an original story made just for the Vita game. Bandai Namco plans to sell the game as part of a limited edition with four audio drama CDs, an art book, and a special box. First print copies will include a code that adds an event to the game.
Captain Earth: Mind Labyrinth comes out on February 26, 2015 for PlayStation Vita.
Published: Sep 7, 2014 11:32 pm