Cycomi announced a new arc featuring Yoko Taro in its online manga series Game Creators of Biography, written by Kenji Yoshida and Reijirou Katou. The Yoko Taro arc will begin February 21, 2021, and there is currently no news on how many chapters it will be. The manga will be free to read on Cycomi’s official website.
Yoko Taro is well-known for his unique writing and focus on the darker sides of humanity. He is also rather eccentric, as he never reveals his face and makes wild comments. For example, when asked about which SINoALICE character he enjoyed creating most in a Siliconera interview, he said, “It’s my job, so none were enjoyable for me. I felt like a lowly laborer covered in mud, and as I typed my keyboard I was thinking ‘I want to get this over with and have a drink.’”
Between January 13 and February 10, 2019, Game Creators of Biography focused on Akihiko Yoshida and his time working on Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story. Yoshida was the main character designer for games such as NieR: Automata, the Bravely Default series, and Final Fantasy XIV. It focused on how Yoshida and the rest of his team worked around technological limitations to create an immersive RPG experience in the shadow of Final Fantasy VII.
The Yoko Taro Game Creators of Biography serialization’s arc will begin on February 21, 2021 and it can be read for free on its official website.
Published: Feb 16, 2021 10:00 pm