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Best Starting Choices in Kingdom Hearts 3

Every numbered Kingdom Hearts game presents you with choices that affect Sora’s journey. Kingdom Hearts 3 is no exception, so let’s look at what the starting choices mean and which ones are best for your playstyle.

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The initial Kingdom Hearts 3 choices

In Kingdom Hearts 3, your starting choices significantly shape Sora’s abilities and gameplay experience. The game begins in a stained-glass location where you must answer two crucial questions, with an additional one added if you have the Re Mind DLC.

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The first question presented is what you desire most: Wisdom, Vitality, or Balance. Choosing Wisdom emphasizes Sora’s magic, giving you 90 HP and 120 MP. Therefore, This is the best choice if you plan to rely heavily on magic spells in battles. Vitality, on the other hand, boosts Sora’s health to 120 HP but reduces MP to 100. Players should choose this if they prefer melee combat and only use magic occasionally. Balance provides a middle ground with 105 HP and 110 MP, offering a balanced approach between health and magic.

The second choice determines Sora’s abilities as he levels up: Guardian, Warrior, or Mystic. Mystic, which gives magic focused abilities , pairs well with the Wisdom choice, making Sora a potent spellcaster. Warrior provides abilities that enhance melee capabilities, and is a good match with Vitality. Guardian focuses on more defensive abilities, suitable for players who want to play defensively and can complement either Vitality or Balance, depending on your playstyle.

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ReMind DLC additional choice

There is a third and final question for those with the ReMind DLC installed. This third question opens up the Premium Menu, introducing EZ Codes and Pro Codes for additional gameplay modifications. However, Choosing the Usual Adventure ignores these options, keeping the game as originally designed.

Easy Adventure unlocks EZ Codes, making the game easier with options like HP and MP regeneration, one-hit kills for regular enemies, and more.

The available EZ Codes are:

  • AP Free: All abilities cost 0 AP.
  • Attraction Pass: Attraction indicators appear more frequently.
  • Auto-block: Automatically block enemy attacks.
  • Best Combination: Team commands appear more frequently.
  • Cooking Master: Always earn an Excellent rating when cooking.
  • Deadly Blow: Defeat basic enemies in one hit.
  • Everlink: Links last longer.
  • Focus Regen: Focus Gauge recharges automatically.
  • Form Charge: Formchange Gauge increases over time.
  • Gummi Ship Meister: Sets Gummi Ship level to 99 and maximizes inventory.
  • HP Regen: HP automatically regenerates.
  • MP Regen: MP automatically regenerates (not while recharging).
  • Overflow: Rage Form command appears more frequently.
  • Survival: Triples strength and magic stats for both allies and enemies.
  • Shop Discount: All shop items are half price.

Choosing Challenging Adventure unlocks Pro Codes, making the game harder with options such as HP and MP Slip, zero defense, and more.

The Pro Codes available are:

  • Ability Limit: Caps Sora’s max abilities to 30.
  • Default Status: Team stats return to default, regardless of level.
  • HP Slip: HP decreases over time during battle.
  • MP Slip: MP decreases over time. Also, Recharge time doubled.
  • No Attractions: Attraction commands do not appear.
  • No Battle Items: Battle items cannot be used.
  • No Cure: Cure magic cannot be used.
  • No Formchanges/Grand Magic: Formchanges and Grand Magic cannot be used.
  • No Kupo Coins: Kupo coins have no effect.
  • No Links: Links cannot be used.
  • No Shotlocks: Shotlocks cannot be used.
  • No Team Attacks: Team commands do not appear.
  • Zero Defense: Team defense set to 0 (equipment boosts still apply).

Making informed decisions at the start can enhance your gameplay experience, tailoring it to your preferred style, whether you want a magical, balanced, or melee-focused Sora.

Kingdom Hearts is now available on the PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the Epic Games Store and Steam.

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Image of Cory Dinkel
Cory Dinkel
Cory Dinkel is a freelance writer for Siliconera since 2023. An award-winning digital journalist, he has worked for local and national news outlets for nearly a decade. His favorite genre is the JRPG and he will not be taking questions during his "There is Not a Love Triangle in Final Fantasy VII" speech.