8 Doors casts players as Lily, a young woman who takes on a role as an assistant reaper so that she can freely explore the underworld, finding answers as to why her father has passed away.
8 Doors will let the player explore the underworld and meet the lost souls and monsters that live there. They’ll meet some of them in turn-based combat, striking down demons and other creatures while she seeks her answers from the more peaceful souls in this world.
8 Doors uses an art style that only makes use of three colors, using an array of tones of those colors in order to create the otherworldly look of the game.
8 Doors will take players to this sombre underworld, finding out why a dead man rose when Lily’s father died, and what being an assistant reaper entails, in fourth quarter of this year.
Published: Feb 22, 2017 9:00 PM UTC