In 2006 Namco Bandai bought Banpresto as a subsidiary. For over a year Namco Bandai allowed Banpresto to do their thing even though they were wholly owned by Namco Bandai. That is about to change because the company who brought us Super Robot Taisen and Ar Tonelico is going to be dissolved into Namco Bandai starting April 1, 2008, technically Namco Bandai's next fiscal year. For the past few years Atlus has had a positive relationship with Banpresto. They localized two Super Robot Taisen games for the GBA, Magna Carta and Draglade is coming this year. Will this affect the chances of localized versions of Super Robot Taisen Original Generations for the PS2 and Ar Tonelico 2? I hope not.
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Published: Nov 9, 2007 1:21 PM UTC