Bandai Spirits revealed a new mecha anime show titled Kyoukai Senki, which can be literally translated to “Boundary Battle Machine.” It is being produced by Sunrise Beyond, a subsidiary formed by Sunrise after the acquisition of Xebec in November 2018. The studio previously worked on Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise. [Thanks, Hobby Watch!]
The background setting of Kyoukai Senki will have Japan split into four parts. Each one was colonized by a different foreign superpower economic bloc. The blocs also turned Japan into a battlefront by deploying humanoid mobile armaments known as AMAIM.
Kyoukai Senki will tell the story of Amou Shiiba, a 16-year-old boy who is good at collecting parts, but not at interacting with people. He will eventually meet an I-LeS (autonomous self-thinking AI) named Gai and aim to liberate the whole of Japan with a self-constructed AMAIM called Kenbu.
The reveal trailer, which is available to watch below, showed a second AMAIM called Jougan. It also revealed the secondary character Gashin Tezuka, a 16-year-old member of the Resistance organization who is accompanied by another I-LeS named Kei. Gashin is pursuing a mysterious robot called “Ghost” that killed his father.
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Nobuyoshi Habara, the former president of Xebec and the current director of Sunrise Beyond, will direct Kyoukai Senki. The Swedish composer Rasmus Faber will provide the title’s soundtrack. Kenichi Ohnuki will design the characters. The industrial designer Ken Okuyama will supervise the robot designs, with more contributions from Yuya Koyanagi, Kanetake Ebikawa, Ippei Gyoubu, and Kenji Teraoka.
The Kyoukai Senki anime will air on Japanese television in Fall 2021. Bandai will also release a 1/72 HG plamodel of Kenbu in the same period.
Published: Mar 16, 2021 01:30 pm