Atlus created two covers for Catherine. One has Vincent sliding down Catherine’s bra and the other shows him crawling up his girlfriend, Katherine. When Atlus confirmed Catherine for North America the announcement came with the original Japanese cover art.
Gamefly used to display those pictures, but recently the video game rental hub posted modified cover art. These packages zoom in on Catherine and Katherine’s faces leaving the innuendo off the cover and store shelves.
Readers Chris Taran and Buuhan1 (thanks you guys!) tipped us off that Amazon also lists Catherine with alternate cover art. Hmm… does Atlus have two packages or are they releasing Catherine with a double-sided cover with a risqué inner layer?
Catherine comes out this summer on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Update: Atlus have confirmed that the alternate covers are a separate package, offered to certain retailers catering to more sensitive shoppers. Sales & PR Manager, Aram Jabbari, elaborates:
“In addition to the existing North American covers for Catherine on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, there will also be modified designs that appear in select markets. The vast majority of copies available at launch will feature the cover we originally unveiled, essentially the Japanese cover of the game. A small percentage of copies, however, will feature a cover that is more considerate of certain retailers’ broader customer demographic. Fans need not worry; Catherine’s cover art is NOT being altered for North America. There is just an extra option being made available for more sensitive shoppers.”
Thanks to Atlus editor, Nich Maragos, for conveying Aram’s explanation of the situation in our comments.
Published: Apr 27, 2011 5:02 PM UTC