The upcoming One Piece Film: Red crossover event in Granblue Fantasy will feature the entire Straw Hat Pirates crew. Cygames has been gradually revealing characters on its Japanese Twitter account, and it eventually confirmed that all active members of the group will appear in the event’s storyline. The event begins next week, on September 14, 2022.
Toei Animation first announced the Granblue Fantasy tie-in as one of the numerous mobile game crossovers One Piece Film: Red would have following its Japanese release. In early August 2022, Cygames revealed the first information wave for this crossover at the Summer 2022 Granblue Fantasy stream. The upcoming event will feature Luffy, Nami, and Robin as playable characters. The movie’s heroine Uta will also appear as a summon.
Since then, the Japanese Granblue Fantasy Twitter account has revealed more characters from One Piece Film: Red on a near-daily basis, starting with Usopp on September 2, 2022. The company then revealed Tony Tony Chopper, Franky, Brook, and Jimbe in the following days. The most recent reveals of Zoro and Sanji confirmed the completion of the current active roster of the Straw Hat Pirates.
However, among the recently revealed crewmembers, only Zoro and Sanji are explicitly confirmed as playable characters. Cygames simply marked the other five members as “appearing characters” in its Japanese tweets. This could mean they’re just part of the story and won’t join the playable roster.
By combining this with the previous information, the upcoming One Piece Film: Red crossover event will bring three playable units. There are the two duo units of Nico Robin & Nami and Roronoa Zoro and Sanji, and a standalone Monkey D. Luffy.
Granblue Fantasy is available in on Android and iOS mobile devices in Japan, and PC via web browser. The game contains a full English localization option, though it’s technically exclusive to Japan. The One Piece Film: Red crossover event will run on September 14-25, 2022.
Published: Sep 8, 2022 5:00 PM UTC