That’s Café Euro in Tokyo’s Akihabara district. Looks pretty normal, right? Of course, if you were go to inside starting next week, you’d find this:
Those are Senran Kagura-themed desserts. The one on the left is a Nyu-Nyu Gelato for 400 yen. The one on the right is a Nyu-Nyu Soft for 350 yen. “Nyu-nyu” is a reference to Senran Kagura’s “bursting boobs” angle.
These special desserts will be on the menu from August 10th – 19th. Additionally, all beverages will be served in these glasses:
The next game in the Senran Kagura series, titled Senran Kagura Burst: Crimson Girls, will be released in Japan on August 30th. The cartridge for the game will contain both the new Crimson Girls game, as well as the original Portrait of Girls title, updated with new features.
Published: Aug 6, 2012 11:30 am