Once you’ve unlocked your Chocobo at level 20 in Final Fantasy XIV, you have two options. You can ride it or use it as a companion in battle, where it can attack, heal, or defend for you. Here’s how to summon your Chocobo in FFXIV.
So, how do I summon my Chocobo in Final Fantasy XIV?
There are two ways to summon your Chocobo, depending on what you want to use it for. To ride your Chocobo as a mount, you must set the Company Chocobo mount to your hotbar. To do this, open up your Mount Guide, click on “Company Chocobo,” and then on “Add to Hotbar.”
Once you select the icon on your hotbar, your character will automatically start riding your Chocobo. Once you’ve reached the Heavensward campaign, there’s a sidequest that will allow you to fly on your Chocobo too.
- Screenshot by Siliconera
- Screenshot by Siliconera
To summon your Chocobo to fight alongside you in battle, you need to be at least level 30 and have completed the “My Feisty Little Chocobo” sidequest. You’ll find this at Camp Tranquil, South Shroud, at coordinates x17, y28.
Once completed, open up the Companion menu, where you’ll see the following Command options that let you control your Chocobo’s role in battles:
- Summon: Uses a Gysahl Green to summon your Chocobo.
- Withdraw: Dismisses your Chocobo from battle.
- Follow: Tells your Chocobo to follow you.
- Free Stance: Allows your Chocobo to use Defender, Healer, and Attacker moves however it sees fit.
- Defender Stance: Tells your Chocobo to only use Defensive moves in battle.
- Healer Stance: Tells your Chocobo to only use Healing moves in battle.
- Attacker Stance: Tells your Chocobo to only use Attack moves in battle.
I’d recommend creating a separate hotbar purely for Chocobo commands, because depending on your situation, you’ll want to make use of either the Defender, Healer, or Attacker stance.
To summon your Chocobo into battle in Final Fantasy XIV, you need a Gysahl Green, a food item that Chocobos go absolutely wild for. You can equip the Gysahl Green command onto your hotbar to bring your Chocobo out easily.
- Screenshot by Siliconera
- Screenshot by Siliconera
How do I get Gysahl Greens in Final Fantasy XIV?
While you can purchase Gysahl Greens from the Market Board in FFXIV, I’d advise against it because they’ll almost definitely be more expensive. To save your Gil, buy them from an NPC vendor.
Several NPC vendors sell Gysahl Greens, but my favorite is the Merchant & Mender at Bentbranch Meadows in Central Shroud (map coordinates x21.7, y21.3) due to how accessible it is.
- Screenshot by Siliconera
- Screenshot by Siliconera
Some other vendors that sell Gysahl Greens are:
- Bango Zango (Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, x9.9, y11.4).
- Maisenta (New Gridania, x11.5, y11.2).
- Roarich (Ul’dah – Steps of Nald, x10.5, y9.5).
- Denys (Foundation, x8.0, y10.0).
- Spanner (The Firmament, x9.8, y14.6).
- Tokohana (Kugane, x12.9, y12.2).
- Andia (The Crystarium, x9.4, y12.3).
- Fahruvvet (Radz-at-Han, x12.0, y9.7).
Final Fantasy XIV is available now on the PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. If you’re having trouble logging into FFXIV, here’s how to check the server status.
Published: Jul 7, 2023 10:00 pm