Nintendo shared through the official Fire Emblem Twitter account more information about the outfits and accessories included in the first wave of the Fire Emblem Engage Expansion Pass DLC, which comes out the same day the game releases on January 20, 2023. Players can visit the Boutique, a store located in the Somniel, to receive the new accessories and outfits. The first wave also includes a Silver Card, an item that offers discounts in certain stores in the game, along with items that permanently enhance unit stats.
The new outfits include the Rare Set, maid and butler uniforms for all the units. The new accessories are the Frilled Band, Big Ribbon, Single Earring, and Round Specs. Players will receive these outfits and accessories in the first visit to the Boutique in Chapter 6. Additionally, the first wave of the DLC includes a Silver Card. By simply owning this item, players are able to get a 30% discount when shopping at the Armory and the Item Shop. Players can find this item in the Divine Paralogue map. Â
You can check out the new outfits and accessories included in the DLC here:
- Rare Set male units
- Frilled Band
- Big Ribbon
- Rare Set female units
- Round Specs
- Single Earring
The first wave of DLC also includes a selection of permanent stat boosting items, which includes Boots, Seraph Robe, Energy Drop, Spirit Dust, Secret Book, Speedwing, Goddess Icon, Dracoshield, and Talisman. Players will receive these items the first time you visit the Somniel after Chapter 5.
Wave 1 of the Fire Emblem Engage Expansion Pass DLC also includes two new Emblem Bracelets, one of the bracelets includes Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, while the other includes the Manakete Tiki who appeared in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Fire Emblem Awakening.
Fire Emblem Engage will come out on January 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. The Expansion Pass DLC will come out on the same day.
Published: Jan 19, 2023 07:00 pm