The House of Five Leaves manga, which at present consists of 7 volumes, has been licensed by Viz, the company announced this week. Originally published in Japan by Shogakukan, House of Five Leaves tells the story of Akitsu Masanosuke, a socially-awkward swordsman who has trouble finding work.
Masonosuke is eventually employed as a bodyguard by an individual who turns out to be the leader of a group of thieves who call themselves the Five Leaves. Sensing that there is more to the group than meets the eye, Masanosuke agrees to work with them, despite remaining wary of the nature of their group.
The pricing on Viz’s localized versions of the manga is on the high side at $12.99 U.S. and $16.99 CAN. The series will debut in just a few days from now on September 21st. On a related note, you can also read up on our early impressions of the House of Five Leaves anime.
Published: Sep 18, 2010 01:00 pm