Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the release of PlayStation classic Threads of Fate (known as Dewprism in Japan), which follows a boy and girl named Rue and Mint. For the game’s anniversary, director Koji Sugimoto dug up some old prototype footage that was used to test out the game’s engine.
One of the biggest characteristics of Threads of Fate is how it doesn’t use any pre-rendered movies, and was in fact developed with the concept of making a full 3D polygon game in mind. In the test footage, we see some test animations that were never used in the full game.
Check them out below:
Test footage 1
実験動画が発掘された。 ※本編とは一切関係ありません
— Koji Sugimoto (@k_sugimoto) October 14, 2019
Test footage 2
実験動画その2 ※本編とは一切関係ありません
— Koji Sugimoto (@k_sugimoto) October 14, 2019
Threads of Fate released on PlayStation, and was re-released as a PSOne Classic on PlayStation Network in 2011.
Published: Oct 15, 2019 10:30 am