Square Enix shared the latest gameplay footage for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age at Gamescom 2019, where series creator Yuji Horii and producer Hokuto Okamoto shared comments the upcoming Switch title.
For the most part the video is an introduction to Dragon Quest XI with some talk on its story and characters, and a look at some of the basics of battle and systems. At the 22:45 mark, Yuji Horii talks about why they made the 2D mode for the game, which was originally only available on the 3DS version that released in Japan, followed by an extended look at the mode.
Dragon Quest XI S releases worldwide for Nintendo Switch on September 27, 2019. A demo is now available on the Nintendo eShop.Check our previous report for a look at its “World of Erdrea” trailer to see more of its world.
Published: Aug 22, 2019 05:30 am