In the 100th episode of The Cat Mario Show (titled Nyanyanya! Neko Mario Time in Japan), Super Mario Odyssey was the star focus of the show, showing off the key features of the game. Furthermore, they also con-fur-med several mew details on what kind of Easter Eggs players can expect to find in the game.
Fur example, when entering the Odyssey, the hat-ship that Mario travels in, players can paw-ssibly enter through the front door, a hole in the roof, or even through the exhaust pipe. (No kitten!)
Also, in the vein of the hidden Luigis that were s-cat-tered all around the levels in Super Mario 3D World, there are hidden Cat Marios and Cat Peaches to be found in obscure areas within the dif-fur-ent kingdoms, in commemoration of the show.
Finally, to mark this hiss-torical 100th episode, the Cat Mario Show 3DS theme previously distributed will once again be tem-purr-arily free until October 31, 2017.
Super Mario Odyssey comes out worldwide for Nintendo Switch on October 27, 2017.
Published: Oct 18, 2017 08:30 am