Neverending Nightmares, an exploration of fear, horror, and pain through playing as an asthmatic man wandering the pen-sketch landscapes of his dreams, will be getting a PS4 and PS Vita release in 2nd Quarter of this year.
These new releases offer a few improvements for the game’s console release. The developer has worked to make the game’s branching paths more obvious to make it easier for players to see all of the game’s endings. They have also ensured the game runs at 60 FPS on both systems, striving for quality visuals for the game’s art style.
Neverending Nightmares is a stealth horror game where players must hide or run from various apparitions. In it, main character Thomas keeps finding himself awakening from progressively-worse nightmares, and the player must guide him until he can finally wake up from them all.
Published: Feb 28, 2016 12:30 pm