Quantic Dream may not be that widely known (although they should be!), but if you’re a fan of adult adventure games Indigo Prophecy may ring a bell. Quantic Dream developed the title and Atari published it in North America in 2005. Sony Computer Entertainment announced they are going to collaborate with Quantic Dream to develop a new Playstation 3 game and it sounds cinematic.
Michael Denny, Vice President, SCE Worldwide Studios, said: “We’re really excited to be working with Quantic Dream for the first time and to have this opportunity to once again push the gaming experience to realise a new level of interactivity and, in particular, to engage players at an emotional level never experienced before. We’re looking forward to revealing more news on this special title later this year.”
I think their collaboration may be related to Heavy Rain. At E3 ’06, there was a technology demo called the Casting where a virtual actor is trying out for a part in Heavy Rain. Since the game was already in development for the Playstation 3 it seems like the most likely project for Sony to collaborate on. While we're waiting for more news next week at E3 take a peek at the Casting demo.
Published: Jul 3, 2007 4:30 PM UTC