Success Corp has Itsuwari no Rinbukyoku (Rondo of Deception) in development for the NIntendo DS. The game is set in a fantasy world where the protagonist, Cerdic, is a prince trying to restore his kingdom. Accompanying Cerdic is Kei, an honorable knight who escaped capture with Cerdic and Magus, a heavily armored warrior. Rondo of Deception has a unique take on battles called the Route Maneuver System. Instead of moving your characters on a grid you draw a path for each character to move with the stylus. If your character walks into an allied unit he/she will heal or boost them. However, if you run into an enemy unit an animated battle begins. While some of your units are actively participating in battle other units in your army can be assigned to raise war funds and train to increase their strength. Rondo of Deception has some interesting ideas that expand the strategy RPG genre a little and we’ll see how these additions work out when Itsuwari no Rinbukyoku is released this summer in Japan.
Published: May 8, 2007 07:01 am