Capcom have shared another monster profile from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate—Duramboros, a brute wyvern that’s one of the new additions to the game.
Official name: Duramboros
Type: Brute Wyvern
Monster Hunter Tri introduced the Brute Wyvern class with monsters like the Barroth, Uragaan and the Deviljho. Now, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate brings subspecies of the old ones as well as a couple of new brute wyverns, such as the Brachydios (next blog) and the Duramboros!
Duramboros’ most distinctive feature is its large hammer-like tail, which is often used to pound the ground and generate small quakes or just smash its foes down. So, while you’ll want to avoid being on Duramboros’ ram-like horns, you’d also want to be wary of its tail.
One thing that is sure to make some of you scratch your heads is how the Duramboros can use its tail as a counter-weight to help it spin on its axis and somehow propel itself upward and drop down, causing earthquakes, damage and even some headaches.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be released on March 19th in North America and March 22nd in Europe for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.
Published: Feb 5, 2013 09:00 am