Tales Of The World: Tactics Union Has The Same Characters, But A New Story

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

And a new style of gameplay. Tales of the World: Tactics Union is a strategy RPG made for Android devices. The game features characters from a number of different Tales games including Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia, Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia, Natalia Lanvaldear from Tales of the Abyss, and Asbel from Tales of Graces. (More confirmed characters here.)

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Tales of the World: Tactics Union takes place in an original world called Revaria, which has two new characters. Terun (in green) and Nahoto (the blue guy with a moon face) are the mascot characters for Tales of the World: Tactics Union. Namco Bandai says they are making new portraits for the game’s event scenes too.


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Namco Bandai says Tales of the World: Tactics Union will be a full-fledged strategy RPG with touchscreen controls, but haven’t said specifics about the battle system. Tales of the World: Tactics Union comes out on July 2 for Android smartphones connected via mobile phone provider KDDI au.


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