Heroes Phantasia, an anime crossover RPG from Namco Bandai, includes characters from Sgt. Frog. Kururu is a playable character who can summon Kururobo as his special move. Dororo is also in the game with a deadly dimensional slash as his ultimate attack. You can add Keroro in your party too and Giroro for an all frog party. It’s like a Keroro RPG… wait Namco Bandai already made that game for the DS.
Kururu from Sgt. Frog
Dororo from Sgt. Frog
Midori Sugiura from My-HiMe
Genie from Rune Solider
Merrill from Rune Solider
Amelia from Slayers Revolution
While the heroes in Heroes Phantasia are from different anime series, the villains are original characters. Introducing Irvin, Aptrio, and Red. Players will fight them on January 19 when Heroes Phantasia comes out in Japan.
Published: Nov 30, 2011 02:04 am