Mecha anime from the ‘80s inspired the style of Gadget Robo Blast. He’s the star of an upcoming Nintendo DS game by Creative Core and you get to customize him with 250 parts. Change his arms, legs, body, backpack, and head to make the ultimate fighting robot under 15 centimeters tall. You see, Gadget Robo Blast is actually an item owned by an elementary school kid.
Gadget Robo is being tossed into the RPG genre, but since it’s still in development without a release date Creative Core hasn’t explained the combat system. The sole screenshot from a battle makes Gadget Robo look a lot like Pokemon, but it might just be the angle. The theme and throwback to the old anime is what makes Gadget Robo unique anyways.
Images courtesy of Famitsu/Creative Core.
Published: Aug 21, 2008 09:34 am