Last month, Viz and Shonen Jump announced a storyboard contest, where fans could send in storyboards for a manga and have them critiqued by Hisashi Sasaki, Shueisha’s Deputy Director of Shonen Manga Group and former Editor in Chief of Weekly Shonen Jump. At a Comic-Con panel, Sasaki did a live-critique of some of the submissions.
The theme for the storyboard contest was: “The summer adventures of a thirteen-year-old teenager who dreams of becoming a movie star in New York.”
One of the points Sasaki mentioned was to keep the number of panels per page to a minimum. “Most pros usually only use a maximum of seven panels per page,” Sasaki shared at the panel. You can read a transcript of his critiques for seven different entries at the link above.
Viz are still accepting storyboard entries until August 15th. Winners will receive a set of professional art supplies, professional feedback from Sasaki, and have their work featured in the upcoming Bakuman December/January issue of Shonen Jump. You can read up on how to enter and the various rules at this link.
Published: Aug 6, 2011 5:01 PM UTC