Cole MacGrath, the lead character of the Infamous series, will join Street Fighter X Tekken as a playable guest character. He brings his superhuman electric powers to Capcom’s fighting game. When speaking with Seth Killian, Strategic Marketing Director of Online & Community at Capcom, I asked how they decided on adding Cole.
"Discussions between Sony and Capcom came to it. They were looking for a character and Capcom got excited about Cole," explained Killian. "It seemed like the timing was about right with Infamous 2 coming out around this time and it seemed a character that had a lots of possibilities, in terms of gameplay. Obviously, there is a big range of moves and I think we fell in love with the electric tornado like everyone else should of. There was his shockwave in Infamous 2 and we liked that, as well."
Only the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions will have Cole. I followed up and inquired if the Xbox 360 version will have an exclusive character too. "We don’t have any information on what’s happening on Xbox yet," Killian replied.
Killian also mentioned that the roster of Street Fighter X Tekken has not been 100% finalized. Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Chun-Li, Cammy, Guile, and Abel have been announced from the Street Fighter side. Kazuya, King, Bob, Hwoarang, Julia, Craig, and Nina are on Tekken’s team.
Published: Jul 3, 2011 05:45 pm