Overdrive and MangaGamer boss, Hiroshi Takeuchi, recently held another live stream Q&A session with the company’s fans, where he shed light upon the company’s upcoming Go! Go! Nippon, a visual novel also meant to serve as a guide to Japan.
While he couldn’t say how long the game is — although, he did say that it would be short — Takeuchi reiterated that the game will be “very cheap” to buy. He also alluded to the possibility of adding additional locations to explore, such as Nakano Broadway, via downloadable content updates. As reported previously, Go! Go! Nippon is being developed specifically for overseas players that haven’t had the chance to visit Japan.
On the subject of overseas players, MangaGamer will also be at Anime Expo next week, where they’ll be bringing visual novel developers from Japan as they always do, to help interest them in the overseas market.
“There’s a possibility that companies like Clochette will release games with us,” Takeuchi said about the company’s Anime Expo presence, “but we mostly take guest companies to AX to show them what the American market is like… It’s like a future investment to show them around and get them interested.”
You can read a summary of the entire livestream event on MangaGamer’s company blog.
Published: Jun 26, 2011 04:31 pm